Clive Barker's Jericho- Cpt. Devin Ross
Occult Resources
Ross is an ideal squad leader, with a highly tuned intuition that means he can almost experience what others are feeling; when they are in need of backup, he instinctively knows where to go. Having undergone extensive training by the DOW Ross has mastered the art of healing; he can even cure a team mate's wounds without physically imposing his hands, as long as he keeps visual contact. However, he is unable to heal himself.

Combat Resources
Ross uses standard army weaponry, with which he is expert, having undergone extensive training and considerable combat experience. He carries a 5.56 calibre G36C assault rifle with an XM-26 semi-automatic mounted shotgun.

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Clive Barker's Jericho
Occult Resources
Jones is a seer, which allows him brief, albeit often cryptic, glimpses of past or future events. Using his second sight, he can spot paranormal elements that others cannot. He can also project his consciousness into a separate host body.

Combat Resources
Given Jones' background in desk-intelligence, understandably he is the least experienced of the Jericho squad in combat. However, in addition to basic training received at Annapolis he has undergone fast-track training during his year on the Jericho Squad, and is equipped with both short and medium range weaponry.

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Clive Barker's Jericho
Occult Resources
Rawlings is an exorcist, a role learnt through intense academic study of magic systems from around the world (especially in the areas of consecration and exorcism) and pure faith. His primary function is that of healer. He can call upon Ghost Heal, a sphere of benevolent power capable of reviving fallen comrades over great distances, which expends some of Rawling's own health. Vlad's curse- another power he learned to harness during his travels, allows him to target specific adversaries, which means their conventional weapons won't damage Jericho squad members, but instead will regenerate their health.

Combat Resources
Rawlings may be a man of cloth (or many cloths, as he would argue) but he is also an experienced soldier who has served tours in Vietnam and Iraq. He arms himself with a pair of twin customized automatic pistols, which he calls Faith and Destiny, augmented by his own personal luck charms and talismans.

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Clive Barker's Jericho
Occult Resources
Cole's gifts are purely intellect based: she has no psychic powers other than an incredible level of intelligence that allows her to work extremely complex mathematic problems in her head. Augmented with a wearable computer, gesture-based UI, and HUD interface, she runs custom-made Cabalistic and chaos mathematic sequences that have a profound effect on the physical world. She is able to both slow down time briefly and deploy 'firestorm' which intensifies the team's firepower for a short period.

Combat Resources
Cole's harness is taken up largely by the custom-built computer that she uses to run her Cabalistic programs. The computer casing and harness, built to her spec by DOW R&D, has been tested to withstand a drop from over 13 feet and can easily withstand concussive forces equal to a grenade only 7 feet away. Nonetheless, Cole equips herself with low-report weaponry that is unlikely to jar or interfere with her computer systems. She carries a light-weight X-86 submachine gun modified with a scan feature built into the two-range scope allowing her to identify enemies hidden in the immediate vicinity and identify any vulnerable points.

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Clive Barker's Jericho
Occult Resources
Sgt. Black can telekinetically move an object ranging in size from a stationary tank to a moving bullet so long as she has line of sight to her target. As a result, she can steer her shots mid-flight, even striking multiple targets with a single projectile. This makes her an extraordinarily powerful asset. However, the greater the force she exerts, the weaker she becomes. The ability physically drains her health causing bleeding from the ears, nose and mouth in extreme cases.

Combat Resources
Black is the top rated sniper in the US army, thanks in great part to her telekinetic ability to steer multiple rounds in flight. She carries a highly modified and personally customized sniper weapon. To enhance her control it plugs directly into her nervous system via an NDI (Neurological Data Interface). Black's rifle has been further modified to include an underbarrel grenade launcher.

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Clive Barker's Jericho
Occult Resources
Sergeant Wilhelmina Church is able to cast powerful wards, enchantments and banishments through the ritual of drawing her own blood and writing potent sigils with it. This comes with an obvious physical price, both physical and spiritual. The pain and ritual of the act focuses her will and taps into something inside her that even the DOW is unable to pinpoint.

Combat Resources
Sergeant Wilhelmina Church carries the minimum required level of protection as demanded by the army, a submachine pistol, which is her primary firearm. Her reluctance to use firearms resulted in extensive study of the nodachi, a large-two-handed Japanese sword. Church's nodachi has been custom crafted and she wields it with devastating effect.

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Clive Barker's Jericho
Occult Resources
Frank Delgado is a Pyromancer, roughly translated as "one who speaks with fire". In Delgado's case, the fire he speaks with is an entity of living flame that he says is Ababinili, a Chickasaw flame spirit. After contacting the spirit, Delgado offered it his right arm as a sacrifice to win its cooperation. The creature of living flame now lives as a parasite on Frank's arm during missions, encased and contained in a large metal sleeve. In combat, Frank opens the containment sleeve and releases Ababinili. Ababinili responds (usually) to Delgado's commands, and so becomes a formidable tool and weapon. When the spirit is loose, Delgado endures intense pain until its return, when the parasitic spirit soothes its host.

Combat Resources
Sgt. Frank Delgado is Jericho squad's heavy weapons expert and an intimidating opponent for any enemy. Since Delgado's right arm is encased in a large metal sleeve to contain Ababinili he has had custom designed weapons that can be operated and reloaded with just one arm thanks to specially installed mechanisms on his body armour.

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